THE COLOUR PURPLE 2018 image c/o the artist and Corey Bartle-Sanderson

Peach melba is a site specific installation and associated text [see link below] drawing a palette from surfaces of cosmetic foundations, exposed concealer sticks and stubbed tester pots, slicked on faces and delicious clumps of powder collided and made constant in plaster, ceramic, Perspex and plastics.
Matching the skin tone ‘sedate peach’ reference that make up technicians at Harvey Nichols suggested might ‘brighten’ my 30 something pale complexion, the palette is a sort of untethered blended peach mask loosely identifiable as human and reminiscent of eighties interiors I can still remember.
This work builds from the idea of complexion - as a seen surface, a pursued and shifting ideal goal, a face, and a general aspect or character of something.