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PALM SPRINGS PACKAGED  [Sheffield] [2015] 


Mixed Media 

2m x 2m x 2m 

Dear Sarah,

We are writing to you to ask if you would like to exhibit at TREAT YO SELF, (it’s all) Tropical’s first birthday on August 15th 2015. 

A feast for the mind, body and soul, TREAT YO SELF will be all about enjoyment, escapism and satisfaction. Inhibitions to be left at the door, we are looking for artists to create the ultimate indulgent, luxurious and hedonistic interactive artworks….



Hello  (it’s all) Tropical
How about a mini break?

The holiday month 
we should be gulping pina coladas in the costa del sun
experiencing swishy cool breezes battling  great hotness
enjoying sensations of oppressive heat baking sweated flesh to a crispy red patina
glowing, sweating, burning, ALIVE

Try this instead, Palm Springs brought home in a 5D and poured it into [Sculptural Scenoscape??]
[Palm Springs time] boxed up and cracked open
a breeze / breezes/ at around 6 o clock; its so blue 
just when the heat gets unbearable engulfing nostrils with that hot unbreathable breath-in


You've poured yourself a babycham
&+ the bubbles are dazzling, 
POP-ping, residual wetness
you can see furiously
headphones on.

Lie back and relax, take this moment
look at that sky, above your sweaty membrane rubbing on foam
God its hot out there, without this breeze, and that gulp of babycham

It's all so bloody tropical

Let me know if you fancy it
Best a Diolch 

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