everything's mustard
Mixed Media installation
Dimensions variable
PICNIC Gallery, London.
Solo Show

Everything's Mustard 2019 Sarah Roberts 📸JENNA FOXTON

Everything's Mustard 2019 Sarah Roberts 📸JENNA FOXTON

Everything's Mustard 2019 Sarah Roberts 📸JENNA FOXTON

Everything's Mustard 2019 Sarah Roberts 📸JENNA FOXTON
Everything’s Mustard is an installation - a vista of yellows painstakingly made and collected by artist Sarah Roberts whilst appearing perhaps arbitrary and mass amassed.
Inspired by her experience of an epic clearing out her late Mother’s seaside bungalow in mid Wales after her death, this laboured construction deals with loss, hoarding, and discovery through an aesthetic examination of our human commitment to collection and consuming. We become our own architects and archivists, filling every hole with stuff and relative newness.
There is a joy in the momentary nature of new, and an immense sadness in the deterioration of an unused hand towel or a yellowing still boxed soap. This work is a brief glimpse at excess, and loss. The vitrine will become a time capsule of matter, the things are solidified, archived, but in their homogenous ‘yellow’ they will evoke this sense of something new, unplaced, untethered. In essence this piece is an examination of the seduction and bizarre futility of collecting from an artist who is the daughter of a hoarder and a self-proclaimed material junkie in the age of the Anthropocene.